Cottage Cheese Scrambled Eggs
1 Serving
2 eggs
1 egg white (optional)
1/4 cup cottage cheese
Scramble eggs, just before they are cooked to your liking add cottage cheese and salt and pepper
Totally protein packed and super yummy.
Cottage Cheese Salsa Eggs - more meal like
2 to 3 servings ( if this is your main course)
7 eggs
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup salsa
1 handful spinach ( I chop mine into smaller pieces)
Scramble eggs to your liking add cottage cheese, salsa, spinach, salt and pepper.
Homemade Egg Sandwich
5 eggs(could do a mix of egg whites and eggs)
Salt Pepper
Kraft Singles
2 or 3 English muffins(3) or Bagels(2)
Scramble eggs, toast muffin or bagel and butter, place cheese on top and eggs on the bottom, sandwich together!
Why eggs - Eggs have lots of protein and vitamins. Vitamins include vitamin A, potassium, vitamin B, folic acid, choline and biotin. Vitamins A, B and folic acid is great for women wanting to get pregnant, pregnant women and nursing women. Really it is good to all, but I know I needed more of these vitamins when I was in all of these stages.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Good Motivational Quote
Saw this quote today on Pinterest! Love it!!
I think so many people think I exercise to be skinny, but that is sooo not the case. I exercise to be fit, because I love it, it is one of my passions, and because it is healthy to do. I won't lie that I sometimes don't want to see the scale go up whether it is due to muscle or not, I think as a women we are all slaves to a scale every once in a while, but it is good to remember that we should be exercising and eating healthy to simply be healthy! Skinny is not always healthy!
No more boring bike rides!
Here is a routine I like to do. Sometimes I don't have the attention span or desire to just ride my bike for 30 minutes straight so this breaks it up a little bit and give you some good strength training moves as well as helps to get your heart up and pumping!!
If you have a chance to do this, let me know what you think. I end up sweating tons more when I do this. Sometimes when I just ride the bike I get lazy and don't push myself. This definitly will get you to want to turn up the resistance.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Teaching Young Girls about Fitness and Health
Yesterday I taught a group of girls ranging from age 8-12 about the importance of eating healthy and staying active. It was a lot of fun. I started by playing a game of jeopardy and asking questions in these categories. Fruits/Veggies, Milk &Protein, Exercise, Miscelleanous. My questions were things like What Vegtable is know for helping your eye sight, What does eating protein do for you body, What kinds of exercises build muscle in your body, and What fluid should you be drinking plenty of each day. The girls had a lot of fun answering these questions. Some were easy and some they struggled with, but as they answered the questions I discussed why we should be eating healthy and exercising. After the game I shared with them why I am so passionate about exercising and trying to eat healthy.
I told them that I had a few reasons, but 1 reason was because I enjoy exercise and how I feel after I exercise. The second reason I Shared with them is very personal. My grandmother who passed away several years ago and who I love love with all my heart had an influence on why I try to stay healthy. My grandmother had diabetes and arthritis for these reasons it made it very hard for her to get around and do all the things I know she would have loved to do. As a young girl, probably the age of the girls I was teaching, I decided that I didn't want that to happen to me. I wanted to be able to see my children and grandchildren grow up. I wanted to be able to go to there sporting events and or other functions I would be invited to. My grandmother as she got old had a harder time getting out of the house and one of the last times she left the house was to my wedding. I am soo soo happy she made it to my wedding and I cherish the picture I have of her and my grandpa with me on that day. So I told the girls that they should strive to be healthy so they too and see their children and their childrens children grow up and enjoy life. This is a passion of mine and I hope that I can influence others to be healthy.
At the end of my teaching them we played a fun relay game. I had the girls run from one side of the gym and do the following
20 Hula Hoop
5 push-up
10 squats
10 jumping jacks
If you want some good entertainment have a group of 8-12 year olds do push-ups and squats!!
Saturday Cross fit with the Hubby!!
My husband and I are always coming up with new challenging work outs. On Friday night we watched a re-run of the 2013 Cross fit games. The next morning he came up with this routine for us. We timed ourselves and are going to keep doing it and see if we can beat our times. We are also getting our white board soon to hang up in our home gym so we can keep track of all of our times on it.
My time for this routine was 22 minutes.
I used 55lbs for the deadlifts and 10lb dumbells for the overhead presses. I pushed myself on the runs and was doing less than a 7 minute mile for the last mile. Push yourself to your max on this. I think next time I need to increase the weights! My time may not decrease, but I think I can handle more weight.
Green Smoothie
Here is my quick and easy green smoothie recipe.
1/3 C light V8 splash
1/3 C almond milk
1/2 Banana
1 C frozen fruit, I use the great value strawberries, peaches, mango, pineapple blend
1 container light and fit strawberry greek yogurt
1 handful spinach
5 ice cubes
Blend altogether for a yummy breakfast, lunch, dinner or treat! I share this with my 1 year old and she loves it. Total calories is 237, I give her about a 1/3 of it so for me it is about 170 calories.
I know it would be better to juice my own mix instead of using V8 splash, but I have been lazy and really hate cleaning out my juicer. Plus it is also cheaper, that is the accountant in me talking.
My Favorite Interval treadmill workout

I like to do this work out once a week. It is nice to break up run and do some quick intervals inbetween. Gets your heart rate pumping!!
Fun idea is time yourself the first time and see if you can do it quicker everytime. I am super competitive with myself so I like to do this!!
My New Blog
I am excited to start blogging about my very favorite passion and hobby. I love working out for several reasons. I love how I feel after a workout, I want to look fit, it is my escape from all my problems/stresses in life. I love working out with my hubby and can't wait until my kids are old enough to keep up with us as we cycle and run in the future.
I have always had a passion for running that started when I was very young. When I was in Elementary school I remember going on early morning walks with my Mom around the neighborhood and I would run ahead and then run back to meet up with her. I think a lot of my passion comes from just doing something as simple as walking with my mom's in the mornings. As I got older I found I really loved to go jogging in middle school and high school I would go jogging almost everyday. I sometimes went with friends, but in all honesty I really enjoying running alone. I can it my me time. In high school I played volleyball and loved when our coaches made us go out to the track and run stadiums and sprints! Sprints are super good for your legs!! I tried to join track in high school also, but I really didn't like running when I had to run. Today I enjoy running races of all kinds, marathons, half-marathon (my favorite), 10K (another favorite of mine), 5K, and sprint triathlons. I also love to road bike, it has just been hard for me to do in the past 2 years due to being pregnant and having a baby. My road bike partner is my husband and it is hard to just pick up and go when you have a baby so sadly we don't do that as often as we would like, but when we do I just love it. Luckily my sister enjoys road biking so I have gone with her a few times this year.
I would love for my blog to be a place where people can get fitness inspiration, ask questions, get fun work outs and build confidence about oneself. I know as women we can be hard on ourselves and our bodies and I hope that I can be helpful to all or any of you who do read my blog. I am not a fitness professional, I think one day I would like to do that, but right now I am just someone who loves working out, switching up my work outs, trying to eat healthy, and trying to be happy with myself. Feel free to follow me and comment as you will.
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